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Titolo: Web Application for the Provision and Dispensing of Electronic Prescriptions
Autori: Mantilla Ponce, Edwin Jhon
Auccahuasi Aiquipa, Wilver
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Auccahuasi Aiquipa, Wilver
Parole chiave: Ingeniería de sistemas
Editore: Universidad Continental
Data: 2024
metadata.dc.date.available: 23-apr-2024
Citazione: Mantilla, E. y Auccahuasi, W. (2024). Web Application for the Provision and Dispensing of Electronic Prescriptions. Tesis para optar el título profesional de Ingeniero de Sistemas e Informática, Escuela Académico Profesional de Ingeniería de Sistemas e Informática, Universidad Continental, Lima, Perú.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/ICESC57686.2023.10193608
Abstract: The electronic prescription service will be interoperable with the National Health System, i.e. the medication prescribed to the patient can be dispensed from any hospital in the country and its information will generate a pharmacological history, and this data can be used for future prescriptions for the patient, who will be attended by any doctor in the public hospital network nationwide. In addition, for the control of the medication, the dispensation will be done by presenting the patient's identity document. This paper describes a method to develop a web system that allows the registration of patients, medical prescriptions, the control of prescriptions prescribed by the doctor, as well as the dispensing of medicines in the pharmacies of the health facility. On the other hand, a control of all the patient's prescriptions will be kept at a national level, being the patient attended in any hospital establishment in the country. The results of the performance tests used to measure the influence of the web application show that it is a more secure, reliable and scalable system that can be used in any hospital health center with Internet access. The electronic prescription service will be interoperable with the National Health System, i.e. the medication prescribed to the patient can be dispensed from any hospital in the country and its information will generate a pharmacological history, and this data can be used for future prescriptions for the patient, who will be attended by any doctor in the public hospital network nationwide. In addition, for the control of the medication, the dispensation will be done by presenting the patient's identity document. This paper describes a method to develop a web system that allows the registration of patients, medical prescriptions, the control of prescriptions prescribed by the doctor, as well as the dispensing of medicines in the pharmacies of the health facility. On the other hand, a control of all the patient's prescriptions will be kept at a national level, being the patient attended in any hospital establishment in the country. The results of the performance tests used to measure the influence of the web application show that it is a more secure, reliable and scalable system that can be used in any hospital health center with Internet access.
metadata.dc.relation: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10193608
Estensione: 6 páginas
metadata.dc.rights.accessRights: Acceso restringido
metadata.dc.source: Universidad Continental
Repositorio Institucional - Continental
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