このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12394/10252
タイトル: Teacher violence, school satisfaction and subjective well-being in children and adolescents in residential care: The moderation effect of staff support
著者: Ortúzar, Harry
Oriol, Xavier
Miranda, Rafael
Montserrat, Carme
キーワード: Niños y adolescentes en acogimiento residencial
Apoyo al personal
Bienestar subjetivo
出版者: Universidad Continental
発行日: 2021
metadata.dc.date.available: 12-11月-2021
引用: Ortúzar, H., Oriol, X. (y otros 2) (2021). Teacher violence, school satisfaction and subjective well-being in children and adolescents in residential care: The moderation effect of staff support. Avian Research, 7(1), 850-870. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/chso.12459
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/chso.12459
抄録: This study involved 608 children and adolescents between 7 and 18years of age (Mage=12.9, SDage=2.70) from 47 residential care centres in Peru (RCC). The objective of the study was to observe the mediating effect of school satisfaction on the relationship between violence by teach-ers at school and the subjective well- being of children and adolescents, considering how the low or high support from residential care staff can condition this mediating effect as well. The descriptive results show a very high prevalence of violence inflicted by teachers at school for both children and adolescents in residential care in Peru. Regarding the results obtained from the moderated mediation model re-sults, the school satisfaction domain is observed to have a mediating effect on the relationship between teacher violence and subjective well- being in children and ado-lescents. In addition, a moderated mediation effect condi-tioned by support from residential care staff is seen only in the case of children.
metadata.dc.relation: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/chso.12459
Extension: p. 850-870
metadata.dc.rights.accessRights: Acceso abierto
出現コレクション:Artículos Científicos


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