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Título: Design of a Therapeutic Crane with Rehabilitation Monitoring for Patients with Reduced Mobility
Autor(es): Mendoza Diaz, Lenin Danilo
Bastidas Alva, Ruth Alejandra
Pérez Villa, Valeryla Esthefania
Huamanchagua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
Asesor: Huaytalla Pariona, Jaime Antonio
Palabras clave: Rehabilitación física
Movilidad reducida
Editorial: Universidad Continental
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Fecha disponible: 21-jun-2022
Cita bibliográfica: Mendoza, L., Bastidas, R., Pérez, V. y Huamanchagua, D. (2021). Design of a Therapeutic Crane with Rehabilitation Monitoring for Patients with Reduced Mobility. Tesis para optar el título profesional de Ingeniero Mecatrónico, Escuela Académico Profesional de Ingeniería Mecatrónica, Universidad Continental, Huancayo, Perú.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/UEMCON53757.2021.9666643
Resumen/Abstract: The present investigation has designed a therapeutic crane that helps patients who have lower body problems. As an alternative to the lack of equipment for physical rehabilitation, which leads to the reincorporation of people with reduced mobility to their activities of daily life, the objective proposed to solve the problem is the design and construction of a therapeutic crane with a system to monitor the rehabilitation process. The design and the solution were carried out based on the needs presented by the clinical areas in the implementation of rehabilitation technology that facilitates and promotes a better therapeutic process for patients. In addition, this therapeutic crane has functional duality, it is used for gait training with the support of the bodyweight that allows walking upright; as well as helping patients with cognitive impairment in the standing process; also, it has two vertical curved rails that help support the feet with hand restraints and offers a safe and functional environment, lifting a maximum weight of 180 kg of mass and a height of up to 1.95 m. The solution focuses on the construction of a square tube structure that forms an arch, has a handrail for holding the patient offering firmness and stability; providing the security of a device of reliability and easy handling; since it only requires an operator to monitor the process and an accessible environment for commissioning.
Incluido en: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9666643
Extensión: p. 930-936
Acceso: Acceso abierto
Fuente: Universidad Continental
Repositorio Institucional - Continental
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis

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IV_FIN_112_TE_Mendoza_Bastidas_Perez_Huamanga_2021.pdfMendoza Diaz, Lenin Danilo; Bastidas Alva, Ruth Alejandra; Pérez Villa, Valeryla Esthefania; Huamanchagua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol1.55 MBAdobe PDF

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