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Título: Design of haptic vibrational feedback control in upper extremity myoelectric prostheses
Autor(es): Aguirre Cangalaya, Juan Diego
Cruz Anchiraico, José Antonio
Del Carpio Ramirez, Sliver Ivan
Asesor: Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
Palabras clave: Automatización
Diseño de máquinas
Editorial: Universidad Continental
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Fecha disponible: 5-sep-2022
Cita bibliográfica: Aguirre, J., Cruz, J. y Del Carpio, S. (2022). Design of haptic vibrational feedback control in upper extremity myoelectric prostheses. Tesis para optar el título profesional de Ingeniero Mecatrónico, Escuela Académico Profesional de Ingeniería Mecatrónica, Universidad Continental, Huancayo, Perú.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ICMRE54455.2022.9734101
Resumen/Abstract: Current prosthesis systems use haptic technology, have a brain-machine interaction that is dependent on visual feedback from the user, also have limitations by the details of the sense of touch both textures, roughness, weights, and contact forces applied. This research shows the development and implementation of haptic technology in a myoelectric prosthesis of the upper extremity, to simulate the sense of touch in the claw of the prosthesis to obtain a better control in the grip force taking as parameter the reaction and efficiency that the device has in different conditions for the patient to have an improvement in the feedback and the grip force of the prosthesis. For the development of the investigation, the VDI2206 methodology was used, simulating each part of the myoelectric prosthesis in different software for an improvement in the process of signal interpretation. Also by diagramming the motor execution process it facilitates the interpretation of the design. The results of the investigation show an alternative model of the conventional ones contributing with improvements in the signals received by the haptic prosthesis and better ergonomics, in addition, the perceived signals showed a better subjection and sensitivity. From the presented design it is desired to replicate to future research since the presented model can be taken as research material.
Incluido en: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9734101
Extensión: 2 páginas
Acceso: Acceso restringido
Fuente: Universidad Continental
Repositorio Institucional - Continental
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis

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