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Titolo: Artificial intelligence applied in Human Medicine with the implementation of prostheses
Autori: Alvarado Landeo, Edwing Ismael
Surichaqui Montalvo, Erick Brayan
Velasquez Colorado, Kener
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
Parole chiave: Inteligencia artificial
Editore: Universidad Continental
Data: 2022
metadata.dc.date.available: 13-gen-2023
Citazione: Alvarado, E., Surichaqui, E. y Velasquez, K. (2022). Artificial intelligence applied in Human Medicine with the implementation of prostheses. Tesis para optar el título profesional de Ingeniero Mecatrónico, Escuela Académico Profesional de Ingeniería Ambiental, Universidad Continental, Huancayo, Perú.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/IEMTRONICS55184.2022.9795727
Abstract: The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine is already a reality. Everywhere there is talk of the advantages that AI can mean for the future in our daily lives, as well as its possible applications. The future of "standard" medical practice could appear here ahead of schedule, where a patient could go to a computer before seeing a doctor. Through advances in AI, it becomes more possible for the days of misdiagnosis and treatment of the symptoms of the disease, rather than its root cause, to be left behind. Think about how many years of blood pressure measurements you have or how much storage you would need to remove so that you can fit a complete 3D image of an organ on your laptop. The idea of artificial intelligence in medicine may make you think of robots roaming the halls of a hospital in the distant future, but AI is already here.
metadata.dc.relation: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9795727
Estensione: 10 páginas
metadata.dc.rights.accessRights: Acceso restringido
metadata.dc.source: Repositorio Institucional - Continental
Universidad Continental
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