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Titre: Development of “DECOAM” Eco-Friendly Detergent that Minimizes Eutrophication
Auteur(s): Vasquez Orihuela, Betsy Guadalupe
Gallardo Rodriguez, Karol Adriana
Cornejo Tueros, Jose Vladimir
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Cornejo Tueros, Jose Vladimir
Mots-clés: Detergentes
Editeur: Universidad Continental
Date de publication: 2023 3-déc-2023
Référence bibliographique: Vasquez, B., Gallardo, K. y Cornejo, J. (2023). Development of “DECOAM” Eco-Friendly Detergent that Minimizes Eutrophication. Tesis para optar el título profesional de Ingenierio Ambiental, Escuela Académico Profesional de Ingeniería Ambiental, Universidad Continental, Huancayo, Perú.
Résumé: During the First and Second World Wars, there was a significant in- crease in wastewater from animal and vegetable fats treated with newly produced detergents. However, these detergents are still conventional and contain in their composition chemical and harmful compounds that affect the aquatic environ- ment. Faced with this problem, it was proposed to develop a biodegradable detergent with low concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen to minimize eutrophication. The "DECOAM" detergent was made with organic products, its main component being orange peel, which replaces the surfactants contained in conventional de- tergents. In order to contrast the efficiency of the eco-friendly detergent with conventional detergents, two dirty garments (covered with mud and ash) were washed, one with the conventional detergent and the other with the biodegradable detergent, where both garments were impeccable. Immediately afterward, the samples of each wastewater were taken and the results obtained from the laboratory were: the wastewater from the conventional detergent had the following concentrations: pH (11.15), T° (12.8 °C), Conductivity (11 550 uS/cm), Phosphorus (4. 310 mg/L) and Total Nitrogen (20.24 mg/L); and for the wastewater from the eco- friendly detergent "DECOAM" were: pH (7.01), T° (12.5 °C), Conductivity (448 uS/cm), Phosphorus (0.316 mg/L) and Total Nitrogen (< 1.00 mg/L). Finally, it was concluded that the biodegradable detergent has the same efficiency as the conventional detergent in removing the dirt; on the other hand, the concen- tration of phosphorus and nitrogen were significantly lower compared to the con- ventional detergent, thus reducing eutrophication in the surface water bodies.
Extension: 7 páginas
metadata.dc.rights.accessRights: Restringido
metadata.dc.source: Universidad Continental
Repositorio Institucional - Continental
Collection(s) :Tesis

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