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Título: Implementation of an Alarm System to Protect a Submersible Pump of a Company in Cusco, 2023
Autor(es): Atapaucar Merma, José Luis
Espinoza Ríos, Elena Sonia Paula
Romani Quiliche, Carlos Arcenio
Asesor: Espinoza Ríos, Elena Sonia Paula
Palabras clave: Control
Automatización industrial
Controladores programables
Editorial: Universidad Continental
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Fecha disponible: 10-jul-2024
Cita bibliográfica: Atapaucar, J., Espinoza, E., Romani,C. (2024). Implementation of an Alarm System to Protect a Submersible Pump of a Company in Cusco, 2023. Tesis para optar el título profesional de Ingeniero Empresarial, Escuela Académico Profesional de Ingeniería Empresarial, Universidad Continental, Cusco, Perú.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3638264.3638274
Resumen/Abstract: The implementation of an alarm system was carried out to pro- tect a submersible pump whose purpose is to maintain the river water supply of a company in Cusco. The guidelines of the PM- BOK, which is the main book of the PMI, were used. Within the development of the project, there are 5 phases: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring-control, and finally, closure. In the initial phase, interested parties will be determined, and the project char- ter will be drafted. In the planning phase, requirements gathering, design, analysis, risk management, and project schedule will be carried out. The execution phase will be carried out within the agreement with the interested parties, where the implementation of the project itself will be developed under the supervision of the project director. Progress in the monitoring and control phase will be monitored and controlled according to the schedule. Finally, in the Closing phase, what was requested by the interested parties can be compared with the final results. According to the results obtained in the initiation and planning phase, it is evident that there will be better remote control and monitoring of the submersible pump alarm system, minimizing unexpected stops. Therefore, it is concluded that by using Logo Soft Comfort tools such as Logo Web Editor and Logo Access Tool, monitoring and control screens can be developed and alarm reports generated to make assertive decisions, either for preventive or corrective maintenance of equipment, thus minimizing unwanted events that could affect the water supply from the river to the plant.
Incluido en: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3638264.3638274
Extensión: 7 páginas
Acceso: Acceso restringido
Fuente: Universidad Continental
Repositorio Institucional - Continental
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis

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