Browsing by Author Camargo Hinostroza, Steve Dann

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IV_FIN_107_TE_Camargo_Cristobal_Tomas_2024.pdf.jpg2024Analysis of Dispersion of the Pollutant PM2.5 by the La Leña Poultry Shop with the Langrangian Model in the Province of Huancayo, 2020Camargo Hinostroza, Steve Dann; Cristobal Chihuan, Erick Teodoro; Tomas Ruiz, Geraldi Milagros
2023Analysis of the Deforestation Process of Amazon from During 2001 to 2020 in PeruChulluncuy Samaniego, Anali; Avellaneda Ponce, Magaly Godys; Camargo Hinostroza, Steve Dann
IV_FIN_107_105_TE_Acevedo_Mora_Camargo_2023.pdf.jpg2023Analysis of the vicugna pacos (Alpaca) wool fiber in the properties of concreteAcevedo Villazana, Levi; Mora Altez, Cristian Starky; Camargo Hinostroza, Steve Dann
IV_FIN_107_TE_Camargo_Quintana_Rios_Torres_2024.pdf.jpg2024Degradation of Organic Matter and pH in Agricultural Soils by the Species of Zingiber Officinale R. (Ginger) within the Native Community the Milagro, Marankiari, Satipo, 2022Rios Aliaga, Jazmín; Quintana Alania, Edith Eva; Torres Ricse, Jhon Emerson; Camargo Hinostroza, Steve Dann
IV_FIN_107_TE_Huillcas_Rodríguez_Condori_ Camargo_2024.pdf.jpg2024Energy Reuse of Cattle Manure from Anaerobic Digestion in the Town of El MantaroHuillcas Huayra, Flor Karina; Rodríguez Armaulia, José Eduardo; Clemente Steve, Jennifer Condori; Camargo Hinostroza, Steve Dann
IV_FIN_107_TE_Revolo_Jorge_Camargo_2023.pdf.jpg2023Evaluation of the capacity of greater use in burned soils and its proposal in conservationRevolo Pomalaza, Angela Cristina; Jorge Tueros, Edeliza; Camargo Hinostroza, Steve Dann
IV_FIN_107_TE_Zevallos_Ordoñez _Torrejon_Camargo_2024.pdf.jpg2024Influence of the Microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris on the Adsorption of Zinc and Iron from the Effluents of the Chungar Mine, Yauli - PeruZevallos Alcántara, Enori Leslie; Ordoñez Arroyo, Diana Deicy; Torrejon Terrel, Aracely Alexandra; Camargo Hinostroza, Steve Dann
IV_FIN_107_TE_Acevedo_Apolinario_Camargo_2024.pdf.jpg2024Performance Analysis of a Photovoltaic System using factorial design in the sector La Ribera, Huancayo, June 2022Acevedo Grabel, David Jesus; Apolinario Bermudez, Andres Anibal; Camargo Hinostroza, Steve Dann
IV_FIN_107_106_TE_Vilcapoma_Torres_Camargo_2023.pdf.jpg2023Project to Develop a Geothermal System to Generate Electricity in PeruVilcapoma Cordova, Elfry Patricia; Torres Aquino, Lizbeth Eliana; Vilcapoma Cordova, Enrique Paul; Camargo Hinostroza, Steve Dann
IV_FIN_107_TE_Caballero_ Camargo_2024.pdf.jpg2024Reduction of the Pollutant Load of Textile Wastewater Using Chitosane as Natural Coagulant, Huancayo - 2020-2021Caballero Blanco, Claudia Milagros; Camargo Hinostroza, Steve Dann
IV_FIN_107_TE_Baltazar_Schwartz_Guerreros_Camargo_2023.pdf.jpg2023Tree Bark as a Bioindicator of Atmospheric Contamination by Heavy Metals according to Vehicular Traffic Intensity in El Tambo, Huancayo, PeruBaltazar Sedano, Neddy Milka; Schwartz Valverde, Andrea Jesús; Guerreros Chiri, Alexis Jeanpeer; Camargo Hinostroza, Steve Dann