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Titre: Design of an automated drip irrigation system in Tarma Valley by controlling soil moisture
Auteur(s): Carbajal Veli, Paul Cesar
Alanya Villanueva, Jason Moises
Yalli Villa, Danitza Victoria
Figueroa Bados, Jhon Stalin
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Coaquira Rojo, Carlos Alberto
Mots-clés: Sistema automatizado
Riego por goteo
Editeur: Universidad Continental
Date de publication: 2021 13-jan-2023
Référence bibliographique: Carbajal, P., Alanya, J., Yalli, D. y Figueroa, J. (2021). Design of an automated drip irrigation system in Tarma Valley by controlling soil moisture. Tesis para optar el título profesional de Ingeniero Mecatrónico. Escuela Académica Profesional de Ingeniería Mecatrónica. Universidad Continental. Huancayo. Perú.
Résumé: This article explains and describes the advantages and benefits of designing a soil moisture control system for the drip irrigation system in Tarma Valley. The main results indicate that it is possible to control the humidity level of the soil to 100% and to carry out the hydric restriction to 40% during the period of hardening of the soil. By applying an automated irrigation control system in Tarma Valley, water waste is significantly avoided on farmland in this valley. In the same way, with this drip irrigation system you can control the amount of soil moisture in a simple and easy way. With the execution of this project, the drip irrigation system in the Tarma Valley, the growth of the plants will be optimized in accordance with a high- quality control. It is concluded that it is possible to design a soil moisture control system for the drip irrigation system in Tarma Valley.
Extension: 2 páginas
metadata.dc.rights.accessRights: Acceso restringido
metadata.dc.source: Universidad Continental
Repositorio Institucional - Continental
Collection(s) :Tesis

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