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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 69
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
IV_FIN_112_TE_Payano_Rivera_Flores_ Huamanchahua_Zarate_2024.pdf.jpg2024Design of a Control System for Greywater Collection and Reuse in Toilet TanksPayano Atoc, Branco Victor; Rivera Blancas, Jean Pool; Flores Velasquez, Miguel Jhonatan; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol; Zárate peña, Frank William
IV_FIN_112_TE_Damian_Gonzales_Bravo_Damian_Matos_Beraun_2024.pdf.jpg2024Design of a Nutrient Spray System Using the ESP32 Microcontroller for Cultivation in an Aeroponic SystemDamian Damian, Luis Angel; Gonzales Espinoza, Miguel Angel; Bravo Villar, Jamil Fernando; Damian Damian, Leonel; Matos Parado, Fernando Jesus; Beraún Espíritu, Manuel Michael
IV_FIN_112_TE_Castillo_Lopez_Huamanchahua_2024.pdf.jpg2024Data Glove-Based Sign Language Translation with Convolutional Neural NetworksCastillo Cervera, Marco Antonio; Lopez Meza, Diego Aldair; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
IV_FIN_112_TSP_Aquino_Rojas_2024.pdf.jpg2024Informe de suficiencia profesional como técnico de laboratorio de química y biología de la Universidad Continental-campus HuancayoAquino Rojas, Jose Antonio
IV_FIN_112_TE_Paitan _Povez_Zarate_2024.pdf.jpg2024Mechatronic design of a modular artificial honeycomb for the automatic extraction of honey from apis melliferas bees in Huancayo, Peru.Paitan Cardenas, Jose Alfredo; Povez Nuñez, Vrigel Kenty; Zarate Peña, Frank William
IV_FIN_118_TE_Casas_Huamanchahua_Tabra_2024.jpg2024Automated System of Pre-hispanic Camellones to Reduce Crop Damage Due to the Extreme Weather Event of FrostCasas Dionisio, Luis Abelardo; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol; Tabra Verastegui, Brajhan Antony
IV_FIN_112__TE_Valero_Espinoza_Cahuachuco_Beraun_Beraún_Coaquira_2024.pdf.jpg2024Mechatronic System for Tocosh Fermentation: Design, Automation and Quality ImprovementValero Gomez, Sebastian Kevin; Espinoza Quispe, Roy Hugo; Cahuachuco Condezo, Kevin Ramses; Beraun Espíritu, Manuel Michael; Coaquira Rojo, Carlos Alberto; Beraún Arroyo, Ethan André
IV_FIN_112_TSP_Paye_ Apaza_2024.pdf.jpg2024Implementación de un sistema automatizado para la descarga del agua en el proceso de control de pH en la unidad minera San RafaelPaye Apaza, Osnark
IV_FIN_112_TE_Huaman _Ccucho_2024.pdf.jpg2024Implementación y control de un exoesqueleto para rehabilitación de mano en pacientes con discapacidad motora causada por ACVHuaman Laura, Crhistian Edgar; Ccucho Aguilar, Mario Daymler
IV_FIN_112_TE_Garcia_Canales_2024.pdf.jpg2024Diseño de una tostadora semiautomática de granos de cacao de 10 kg de capacidad mediante controlador lógico programable para mejorar la producción en la selva central del PerúGarcia Canales, Henry Eduardo
IV_FIN_112_TE_Blas_Castro_Izarra_Huamanchahua_2024.pdf.jpg2024Design of an Automated Dosing and Mixing System for the Production of Biodegradable Biomass Based on Sweet Potato Starch and Sugar Cane FiberIzarra Cano, Brayan Renzo; Castro Osores, Lesly Geraldine; Blas Yaringaño, Cesar Augusto; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
IV_FIN_112_TE_Bastidas_Herrera_Pérez Villa_Zarate_2024.pdf.jpg2024The Copper Babysitter Robot, a Childcare Monitoring System From the First Year of AgeBastidas Alva, Ruth Alejandra; Herrera Poma, Angie Luisa; Pérez Villa, Valeryia Estthefania; Zarate Peña, Frank William
IV_FIN_112_TE_Parco_Chávez_Torres_Zarate_2024.pdf.jpg2024Conceptual Design of a Soft Robot for Camera Guidance in Endoscopic Surgical InterventionsChávez Urbina, Alvaro Adolfo; Parco Llorona, Diego Sthywen; Torres Hinostroza, Alberto Jesús; Frank William, Zarate Peña
IV_FIN_112_TE_Paulino_Ataucusi_Serrano_Huamanchahua_2024.pdf.jpg2024Automation and Sensor Control for an Aquaponic System in the Rural Town of a San Jose de Quero District, Peru, 2021Paulino Inga, Jose Luis; Ataucusi Mayor, Dany Jesus; Serrano Guzman , Katerim Lorena; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
IV_FIN_112_TE_Cardenas_León_2024.pdf.jpg2024Design of a Self-Sustaining Robot for the Monitoring of Carrot Crop PlantsCardenas Acosta, Emerson Faustino; León Quilca, Brayan Jesús
IV_FIN_111_TE_Arhuis_Mendoza_Solorzano_Zarate_2024.pdf.jpg2024Proposal for the Design of an Articulable Robot for Taking Low-Cost Measurements in the Preoperative Phase of Maxillofacial SurgeryArhuis Quintana, Anthoni Jesús; Mendoza Puris, Alexander Carlos; Solorzano Quintana, Juan Carlos Stiven; Zarate Peña, Frank William
IV_FIN_112_TE_Velasquez_Vilcahuaman_Zarate_2024.pdf.jpg2024Absence-Free Vision: An Intelligent Classroom Attendance System with Facial RecognitionVelasquez Caceres, Samuel David; Vilcahuaman Morales, Eduardo Ildefonso; Zarate Peña, Frank William
IV_FIN_112_TE_Surichaqui_Raymundo_2024.pdf.jpg2024The Design of an Automatic Proportional Electronic Flow Control System for Applying Agricultural PesticidesSurichaqui Ore, Jhordan Deivis; Raymundo Quesada, Camilo Juan Diego
IV_FIN_112_TE_Mantari_Mayta_Huayta_Cordova_Huamanchahua_2024.pdf.jpg2024Design of a Control and Monitoring System for Pollutants in a Handcrafted Footwear FactoryMantari Ramos, Lizbett Nattaly; Mayta Leon, Helder Alexis; Huayta Uribe, Alem; Cordova Sanchez, Hitan Orlando; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
IV_FIN_112_TE_Quispe_Solorzano_Marvin_Huamanchahua_2024.pdf.jpg2024Design and Structural Analysis of a Maca Freeze-Dryer for the Peruvian High Andean Zones Using VDI 2221Quispe Aguirre, Beyker Jesús; Solorzano Pomachagua, Karolina Vilma; Blancas Diego, Marvin Luis; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 69