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2020Us and the others. The power of symbolic elites in the framework of the Corso de la Amistad (2015-2018) in ArequipaCaballero Medina, Carlos Arturo; Duche Pérez, Aleixandre Brian; Arias Chávez, Dennis
2020Covid-19: Epidemic of non-scientific information on Peruvian facebook groupsContreras, Pavel J.; Aguirre-Ipenza, Rubén; Pérez, Sandy; Contreras, Winnie; Loyola, Steev
2020COVID-19 and its relationship with vulnerable populationsAquino-Canchari, Christian Renzo; Quispe-Arrieta, Rocío del Carmen; Huaman Castillon, Katia Medalith
2020The Peru approach against the COVID-19 infodemic: Insights and strategiesAlvarez-Risco, Aldo; Mejia, Christian R.; Delgado-Zegarra, Jaime; Del-Aguila-Arcentales, Shyla; Arce-Esquivel, Arturo A.; Valladares-Garrido, Mario J.; Rosas del Portal, Mauricio; Villegas, León F.; Curioso, Walter H.; Chandra Sekar, M.
1-May-2020Pharmacogenomics of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseasesCacabelos, R.
1-Jun-2020The Digital Competence in the University TeacherOcana-Fernandez, Yolvi; Valenzuela-Fernandez, Luis; Morillo-Flores, Jhon
27-Jun-2020Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave treatment improves erectile function in non-responder PDEi5 patients: A systematic reviewGrandez-Urbina, Jose Antonio; Pichardo Rodríguez, Rafael; Torres-Román, Junior Smith; Saldaña-Gallo, Jorge; García-Perdomo, Herney Andrés
2020Six hundred years of South American tree rings reveal an increase in severe hydroclimatic events since mid-20th centuryMorales, Mariano S.; Cook, Edward R.; Barichivich, Jonathan; Christie, Duncan A.; Villalba, Ricardo; LeQuesne, Carlos; Srur, Ana M.; Ferrero, M. Eugenia; González-Reyes, Álvaro; Couvreux, Fleur; Matskovsky, Vladimir; Aravena, Juan C.; Lara, Antonio; Mundo, Ignacio A.; Rojas, Facundo; Prieto, María R.; Smerdon, Jason E.; Bianchi, Lucas O.; Masiokas, Mariano H.; Urrutia-Jalabert, Rocio; Rodriguez-Catón, Milagros; Muñoz, Ariel A.; Rojas-Badilla, Moises; Alvarez, Claudio; Lopez, Lidio; Luckman, Brian H.; Lister, David; Harris, Ian; Jones, Philip D.; Williams, A. Park; Velazquez, Gonzalo; Aliste, Diego; Aguilera-Betti, Isabella; Marcotti, Eugenia; Flores, Felipe; Muñoz, Tomás; Cuq, Emilio; Boninsegna, José A.