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Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 1 para 20 de 58
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IV_FIN_112_TE_Bastidas_Herrera_Pérez Villa_Zarate_2024.pdf.jpg2024The Copper Babysitter Robot, a Childcare Monitoring System From the First Year of AgeBastidas Alva, Ruth Alejandra; Herrera Poma, Angie Luisa; Pérez Villa, Valeryia Estthefania; Zarate Peña, Frank William
IV_FIN_112_TE_Parco_Chávez_Torres_Zarate_2024.pdf.jpg2024Conceptual Design of a Soft Robot for Camera Guidance in Endoscopic Surgical InterventionsChávez Urbina, Alvaro Adolfo; Parco Llorona, Diego Sthywen; Torres Hinostroza, Alberto Jesús; Frank William, Zarate Peña
IV_FIN_112_TE_Paulino_Ataucusi_Serrano_Huamanchahua_2024.pdf.jpg2024Automation and Sensor Control for an Aquaponic System in the Rural Town of a San Jose de Quero District, Peru, 2021Paulino Inga, Jose Luis; Ataucusi Mayor, Dany Jesus; Serrano Guzman , Katerim Lorena; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
IV_FIN_112_TE_Cardenas_León_2024.pdf.jpg2024Design of a Self-Sustaining Robot for the Monitoring of Carrot Crop PlantsCardenas Acosta, Emerson Faustino; León Quilca, Brayan Jesús
IV_FIN_111_TE_Arhuis_Mendoza_Solorzano_Zarate_2024.pdf.jpg2024Proposal for the Design of an Articulable Robot for Taking Low-Cost Measurements in the Preoperative Phase of Maxillofacial SurgeryArhuis Quintana, Anthoni Jesús; Mendoza Puris, Alexander Carlos; Solorzano Quintana, Juan Carlos Stiven; Zarate Peña, Frank William
IV_FIN_112_TE_Velasquez_Vilcahuaman_Zarate_2024.pdf.jpg2024Absence-Free Vision: An Intelligent Classroom Attendance System with Facial RecognitionVelasquez Caceres, Samuel David; Vilcahuaman Morales, Eduardo Ildefonso; Zarate Peña, Frank William
IV_FIN_112_TE_Surichaqui_Raymundo_2024.pdf.jpg2024The Design of an Automatic Proportional Electronic Flow Control System for Applying Agricultural PesticidesSurichaqui Ore, Jhordan Deivis; Raymundo Quesada, Camilo Juan Diego
IV_FIN_112_TE_Mantari_Mayta_Huayta_Cordova_Huamanchahua_2024.pdf.jpg2024Design of a Control and Monitoring System for Pollutants in a Handcrafted Footwear FactoryMantari Ramos, Lizbett Nattaly; Mayta Leon, Helder Alexis; Huayta Uribe, Alem; Cordova Sanchez, Hitan Orlando; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
IV_FIN_112_TE_Quispe_Solorzano_Marvin_Huamanchahua_2024.pdf.jpg2024Design and Structural Analysis of a Maca Freeze-Dryer for the Peruvian High Andean Zones Using VDI 2221Quispe Aguirre, Beyker Jesús; Solorzano Pomachagua, Karolina Vilma; Blancas Diego, Marvin Luis; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
IV_FIN_112_TE_Rojas_Dionisio_Chamorro_Quispe_Hadi_2024.pdf.jpg2024Design of a Thermal Control System for Stables in Rural Areas of PeruRojas Vila, Joseph Junior; Dionisio Llactahuaman, Sandra Fiorella; Chamorro Quijano, Sario Angel; Quispe Cabana, Roberto Belarmino; Hadi Mohamed, Mohamed Mehdi
IV_FIN_112_TE_Taza_Quintanilla_Ortiz_Beraun_Arzapalo_Coaquira_2024.pdf.jpg2024Mechanical and Electronic Design of a Prototype Lower Limb Prosthesis for Transfemoral AmputationTaza Aquino, Yerson; Quintanilla Mosquera, Iraiz Lucero; Ortiz Zacarias, Jhon Rodrigo; Beraun Espíritu, Manuel Michael; Arzapalo Bello, Ruben; Coaquira Rojo, Carlos Alberto
IV_FIN_112_TE_Beraún_Vidal_Huamán_Huayta_Mantari, Pomachagua_Coaquira_2024.pdf.jpg2024Real-Time Monitoring and Control System of Water Parameters for Paiche CultivationBeraún Espíritu, Manuel Michael; Vidal Barbaron, Alexander Yordy; Huamán Laura, Crhistian Edgar; Huayta Uribe, Alem; Mantari Ramos, Lizbett Nattaly; Solorzano Pomachagua, Karolina; Coaquira Rojo, Carlos Alberto
IV_FIN_112_TE_Valenzuela_Ortiz_Sullca_Del Carpio_Moggiano_Coaquira_2024.pdf.jpg2024Simulation of an Automated Tahitian Lemon Grading System Based on Computer VisionValenzuela Lino, Yadhira Samhira; Ortiz Zacarias, Jhon Rodrigo; Sullca Mendoza, Yordan Cesar; Del Carpio Ramirez, Sliver Ivan; Moggiano Aburto, Nabilt Jill; Coaquira Rojo, Carlos Alberto
IV_FIN_112_TE_Arrieta_Justiniano_Camavilca_Huamanchahua_2024.pdf.jpg2024Design of a 3DoF Passive Hip Exoskeleton for RehabilitationArrieta Conde, Joaquin; Justiniano Medina, Albert; Camavilca Quispe, Hubert Isaac; Huamanchuca Canchaya, Deyby Maycol
IV_FIN_112_TE_Coaquira_Ortiz_Quintanilla_Rivera_Valenzuela_Yanarico_2023.pdf.jpg2023Simulation of an Automated Sorting System for Peruvian mangoes based on computer visionRivera Rojas, Michael Cristhian; Yanarico Estrella, Maydelson Valentin; Ortiz Zacarias, Jhon Rodrigo; Quintanilla Mosquera, Iraiz Lucero; Valenzuela Lino, Yadhira Samhira; Coaquira Rojo, Carlos Alberto
IV_FIN_112_TE_Arizapana_Lazo_Sifuentes_2023.pdf.jpg2023Design of linear steam distillation machine with arduino remote connection via messagingArizapana Renojo, Kennil Kevin; Lazo Tapia, Wilson Anthony; Sifuentes López, Jorge Asencio
IV_FCE_112_Ingaroca_Gomez _Huamanchahua_2023.pdf.jpg2023Automatic Sorting System Based on Sensors for The Extrusion of Filament Used in 3d Printers Based on Recycled Pet Plastic BottlesIngaroca Ames, John Axell; Gomez Pariona, Andony Leonel; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
IV_FIN_112_TE_Delcarpio_Ortiz_Macuri_Chamorro_Huamanchahua_2023.pdf.jpg2023Comparison Analysis of FIR, ARX, ARMAX by Least-Squares Estimation of the Temperature Variations of a Pasteurization ProcessDel Carpio Ramirez, Sliver Ivan; Ortiz Zacarias, Jhon Rodrigo; Macuri Vasquez, Jalber Brayan; Chamorro Quijano, Sario Angel; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
IV_FIN_112_TE_ Solano_Huaman_Huamanchahua_2023.pdf.jpg2023Proof of concept design for terrain type recognition in urban environmentsSolano Esteban, Ronald Davies; Huaman Martinez, Jayr Jamie; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
IV_FIN_112_TE_Urruchi_Cervantes_Huamanchahua_2023.pdf.jpg2023Proposal of a swimming pool drowning detection system using cameras and raspberry Pi based on machine learningUrruchi Millan, Christopher Mattew; Cervantes Chauca, Daniel Fernando; Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol
Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 1 para 20 de 58